Patient Video: What are the treatment goals for diabetes? Keeping blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible remains a key goal in management of diabetes. Maintaining a health diet, remaining in contact with your physician, and avoiding complications are key to good outcomes in diabetes.
Patient Video: If someone loses weight, when can they stop taking medicine to control diabetes? Consulting with ones doctor is key to making any decisions to stop taking medication. A patient discusses her insights to going off medication.
Patient Video: Experiences using insulin: Are you afraid of using insulin? A patient who is a retired nurse gives a positive account of her experience in taking insulin to control her diabetes.
Patient Video: Why is it important for patients with diabetes to understand how the medications work? Patients with diabetes should understand how safe their medications are, how they work in the body, what side-effects to expect, and what to look out for in terms of treatment.
Patient Video: What kinds of foods should be avoided in diabetes? Avoidance of certain foods is important. Foods high in fat, sugars should be avoided and moderation with alcohol is important. Patients with diabetes should not smoke.
Patient Video: Is diet and exercise alone sufficient to control diabetes? In certain persons with diabetes diet and exercise will work. With others medication is the next step. Not all patients are the same.
Patient Video: What is hypoglycemia? What can you do if you have an episode? A diabetes patient discusses her view of sudden decrease in blood sugar and the factors that bring this about and her personal advice in terms of her experience.
Patient Video: What are your tips for successful diabetes self-management? Taking medication as your doctor advises is important. Health food choices are also important. Personal experiences are shared for the benefit of other patients.
Patient Video: Why is footwear and foot care so important in diabetes? The circulatory system is affected by diabetes. A patient with diabetes provides a discussion of her views on foot care.
Patient Video: Why are regular dental checkups important for people with diabetes? Regular check-ups with one’s dentist is very important with diabetes patients. Dental caries and gum disease can lead to complications. A patient discusses her views.
Patient Video: Why is it important to keep up with immunizations if you have type 2 diabetes? Diabetes compromises the immune system and a patient shares her experience as to why immunizations are important. Flu shots, pneumonia shots are important.
Patient Video: What is sleep apnea and what can be done about it? A retired nurse who is a diabetic patient discusses sleep apnea and how and why a sleep study may help in the management of diabetes.
Patient Video: What is your advice for a diabetic patient during sick days? A patient with diabetes provides recommendations about how to manage stress and other important challenges on sick days and the importance to taking medication and seeking doctor advice.
Patient Video: How can family and friends help a person living with diabetes? Having family members well informed about diabetes can be very important. A diabetes patient discusses her views on the subject. Family should know about nutrition, risks, and emergencies related to diabetes care.